
How to find a job when the age is getting older and older ?











Changing jobs at an older age, but sinking into the sea (wholesale business sales)

He is now over 500 years old and has been engaged in middle-level management and development of the business. Last year, he left his job to start a business, but unfortunately he encountered the epidemic and spent all his personal savings, so he hopes to return to the workplace, but through the normal channels to apply for resumes I don't want to use the human relationship theory, but age is the main concern of HR, I don't know what to do!


Newmindset EAP Small Expert project:

Selecting a resume for human resources is like buying fruit. You don't currently consider selecting a suitable store (connection). That's what makes the fruit look delicious. Entrepreneurship is like the ripening of fruit. It is good and bad for the fruit. I am also an entrepreneur, and I can understand the dilemma of watching my savings disappear every day and the business has not yet grown. But every day when I solve a business problem, I document it, and it becomes the nutrient for starting a business (or employment).


After getting health insurance, HR actually doesn't care about the age of employees. In the past, it was because of the labor insurance pension, but now it has changed to annuity and relative allowance. You can check and add this information to your resume. Human resources clear up doubts, because there are also human resources who don’t understand why they just don’t want employees to be too old, but the Employment Service Law has clearly stipulated that employees should not be discriminated against based on age.


Find a new niche in entrepreneurship; find a way to play your work in business. Please plan your resume in this direction and submit it. You can also go through the resume clinic or EAP little expert (search and see), there are some relevant information on it.





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