Cyber security is an increasingly important topic in modern
organizations. Many organizations involved in information technology (IT) and
business have been concerned with cyber security for many years and have
well-established cyber security management systems (CSMS) in place as defined
by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (see ISO/IEC 17799 [23][1]
and ISO/IEC 27001 [24]). These management systems provide an organization with
a well-established method for protecting its assets from cyber attacks.
Industrial automation and control system (IACS) organizations have begun
using commercial off the shelf (COTS) technology developed for business systems
in their everyday processes, which has provided an increased opportunity for
cyber attack against the IACS equipment. These systems are not usually as
robust, in the IACS environment, as are systems designed specifically as IACS
at dealing with cyber attack for many reasons. This weakness may lead to
health, safety and environmental (HSE) consequences.
Organizations may try to use the pre-existing IT and business cyber
security solutions to address security for IACS without understanding the
consequences. While many of these solutions can be applied to IACS, they need
to be applied in the correct way to eliminate inadvertent consequences.
burner management system
system for the safe start-up, monitoring and shutdown of burner systems
associated with boilers, flares, incinerators, gas turbines, thermal oxidizers,
and other fired equipment.